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interesting links

from statistics to analytics to machine learning to ai, dsc provides a community experience that includes a rich editorial platform, social interaction, forum-based support, plus the latest information on technology, tools, trends, and careers

jacqui's practical advice on branding, strategy, and marketing your business

derek lowe's commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. an editorially independent blog from the publishers of science translational medicine.

sharing concepts, ideas, and codes on data science, machine learning, programming, and visualization

reviews and commentary on computational biology by lior pachter

dan graur, in his words

this resource attempts to dispel the “aura of exactitude” that often surrounds statistics, and provides useful pointers on using and evaluating statistical measures

covering the latest happenings on and  making sense of next gen sequencing data

a blog from the genetics society of america

the missing manual for bioscientists

three biostatistics professors that are not fans of unnecessary complication

children's hospital of philadelphia news

blogspot for articles on evolution

a site by sergios orestis kolokotronis with useful evolutionary genetics software info & links

antigoni kaliontzopoulou, an evolutionary ecologist interested in the evolution of phenotypic diversity

strolling with a skeptical biochemist

a blog by melissa wilson sayres, a mathbionerd who does a lot of things with contagious enthusiasm

paleoanthropology, genetics, evolution

ιστολόγιο του γιώργου κεντρωτή

odra noel's  inspiring vision of science through art

oh the places you'll go ... after grad school

about grad school, the job market, and tenure to the best of Dr. Kelsky's ability

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